Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa Monica Christmas Run-10k

Yesterday was a very special day for us because we ran our first organized race. The experience was incredible because everyone was so nice. I must admit that those were the funnest 10 km I have ever ran. It was so awesome because the views were so pretty,the air quality was good and we were able to breath a lot better. However, the weather wasn't so great, in fact we got soaked wet towards the finish, but we enjoyed it anyhow.
I was telling Phillip on our way home that I was so positive that Heavenly Father was with us because we felt so good running, the jogger worked good, the blister on my foot didn't bother me, and our time was better than we expected(57:19). I was expecting to see more baby joggers but there was only us and another couple with the their baby.
I feel so happy to have found a sport that I enjoy and that I look forward to doing everyday. I am so grateful for Phillip and for all the hard work and dedication he puts into running, but most importantly I am grateful for all the motivation he gives me. Growing up I was not an active teenager, I was obese and didn't have much self confidence. Phillip was my life saver because when I met him my life improved and I started doing new things. Now I feel like I am finally enjoying life and appreciating all the blessings that Heavenly Fathers gives me and my family. Now I am ready for a half-marathon and will continue to challenge myself to do more (maybe we'll run a marathon next year).

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