Friday, November 25, 2011


 We had so much fun this past week. Martie and Wes can make you laugh until your tummy hurts :) We had a girly night the day before Thanksgiving, we didn't go to bed until 12:00 am.Thanksgiving day we all worked as an awesome team and cooked the most delicious dinner. Nathan, Kristi's boyfriend and his kids joined us for dinner. We had fun and shared a special Holiday together. Martie and Wes leave tomorrow morning to Utah, they are thrilled about the snowy and cold weather (You know I am being sarcastic, right?). You see, California's weather is the best.  
All the girls, minus Wes. He had a facial too, but didn't want to take a picture.

"Betty Crocker"

Martie, Phillip and Lauren. They were color coordinated.
Mr. Phil and his turkeys.

Look at Maya go, she is good!

Cute Kristi
 Thanks for coming guys, we had fun!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I still need you to email me all the photos that you took!