Yesterday we had a few chores to get done and we were also supposed to feed the missionaries. When we got home we were going to start cooking, but then the Elders called and told us that they were not going to be able to make it for dinner. Then Phillip and I didn't feel like cooking a big dinner just for the two of us, so we decided to go get a pizza and spend the evening putting up Christmas decorations. I was really exited to set up our Christmas tree that we bought last year for a really good deal. It is a little too big for our apartment, but it still looks beautiful. My favorite thing of all is setting up the nativity, it just makes me think of the Savior and of how grateful I am for him. Also, this year we will be blessed with a baby and it's so close to Christmas that it makes it even more special.
El día de ayer Phillip y yo pasamos la noche decorando nuestro pequeño apartamento. La estación Navideña me trae mucha felicidad, me hace recordar mucho a Cristo y también el agradecimiento que siento por todo lo que el hizo por nosotros.