Sunday, November 30, 2008

We Can Feel The Christmas Spirit

Yesterday we had a few chores to get done and we were also supposed to feed the missionaries. When we got home we were going to start cooking, but then the Elders called and told us that they were not going to be able to make it for dinner. Then Phillip and I didn't feel like cooking a big dinner just for the two of us, so we decided to go get a pizza and spend the evening putting up Christmas decorations. I was really exited to set up our Christmas tree that we bought last year for a really good deal. It is a little too big for our apartment, but it still looks beautiful. My favorite thing of all is setting up the nativity, it just makes me think of the Savior and of how grateful I am for him. Also, this year we will be blessed with a baby and it's so close to Christmas that it makes it even more special.

El día de ayer Phillip y yo pasamos la noche decorando nuestro pequeño apartamento. La estación Navideña me trae mucha felicidad, me hace recordar mucho a Cristo y también el agradecimiento que siento por todo lo que el hizo por nosotros.

Phillip the Cook

It has been a while since I last posted something. But today I am feeling in the mood to write a little and share some pictures with you. Last Sunday Phillip prepared dinner for us and I wanted to share some pictures of his delicious stuffed bell peppers. He did a really good job!

Han pasado varios dias y no me había sentido con las ganas de escribir, pero hoy tengo ganas de compartir fotos con ustedes. El Domingo pasado Phillip cocinó unos chiles rellenos con carne que por cierto quedarón riquísimos. Hizo un muy buen trabajo!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Así como les prometí comenzaré a escribir en Español.

I promised my family that I would also write in Spanish.

Me da mucho gusto que esten visitando nuestro 'blog', espero que lo continúen haciendo ya que por lo menos subo fotos una vez por semana y trato de compartir con mi familia y amigos lo que esta sucediendo en nuestras vidas.
Pues que les puedo contar...Phillip y yo hemos estado viviendo en Bakersfield por 4 meses. Hemos crecido mucho como individuos y como pareja. Me siento muy bendecida de tener a Phillip a mi lado. La verdad que la vida te da muchas sorpresas! Yo siempre habia dicho que no me casaria hasta que terminara la universidad. Pues no fue así, en cuanto nos conocimos supímos que eramos el uno para el otro. Y bueno ya casi estaremos casados por 2 años y estamos esperando con ancias la llegada de nuestra primera hija,Maya.
Por el momento estamos viviendo en un apartamento, estamos tratando de ahorrar dinero para poder comprar una casa. Soñamos en comprar un casa con mucha tierra donde podamos tener caballos y otros animales. Phillip se acaba de graduar del colegio este verano pasado y consigio un muy buen trabajo en Mercy Hospital, aquí en Bakersfield. Yo estoy tomando unas cuantas clases en el colegio pero espero que el semestre entrante pueda acistir de tiempo completo.
Pues nuevamente bienvenidos y espero que les haya gustado nuestro 'blog.' Que tenga un día estupendo y siganos visitando. ¡Los quiero mucho!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mayita's Room is Finished

Here are some pictures of Maya's room, it's all ready! We are just waiting anxiously for her to arrive.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

7 Weird and Random Facts

Thanks Cass for tagging me!

1. I am nearsighted from one eye and farsighted from the other. :O
2. I have really small hands, it's a little embarrassing. :S
3. I was born in California, but I live in México for 12 years. We moved back to CA when I was 12 and it was really interesting and challenging to learn a new language.
4. I love to dance, but Phil doesn't :( So we never go out to dance, I need a dance partner!
5. I was the first one in my family to covert to the LDS church.
6. I have to put Valentina hot sauce on my popcorn or I can't eat them.
7. I love Frida Kahlo and Gael Garcia.

Now I tag Angela and David. :D

Monday, November 10, 2008

Baby Shower in Hollister

This last Saturday Phil and I drove to Hollister for our Baby Shower. We were really exited to go back to visit. I am very grateful for my mother and Martie, they did such a great job! Everything looked so cute, the food was delicious, the games were fun and the cake was adorable :D I also want to thank my sister for helping decorate and take pictures. Thanks everyone for all the little presents!

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Nice Visit

We were really exited when we found out that Moe and Angela were coming to visit. We had not seen the whole family for a while. Moe had come to visit us previously by himself, but this time they all came! They got here Tuesday evening and left Saturday morning (early morning). We had a great time with them, they have really cute kids! I love their personalities :) My favorite day was Friday, because we got to celebrate Halloween together, it was so much fun. Since they didn't bring their costumes, we had to go and buy stuff to make them. They turned out great! I had a great time, I hope that we can visit each other more often. Thanks guys for coming! Maybe you guys can come back for the baby's blessing. :)

Create Your Own

I copied the pictures from Angela's blog since we didn't take any :(