Tuesday, May 5, 2009

She is 4 months old

I can not believe how fast our baby is growing. Our friend's baby is turning 1 year old this month and she weighs 17 lbs. and Maya is 4 months and she weighs 15 lbs. Am I feeding her too much? :S

I hope not...she seems to be a healthy baby, but I guess we will find out next Monday when we take
her to the Doctor's.

Maya: "Can I give you a kiss?"

1 comment:

Angela said...

She is getting chunky, but don't worry--she looks very healthy! Chunky babies are so fun to kiss their fat cheeks--Micah's been the chunk of all chunks for me! I remember before Kenya became mobile (before crawling and walking), she got pretty chunky--at her four 1/2 month angel picture she had all kinds of fat rolls! It's okay because they usually stay that size and weight for a long time, it's like they plateu...anywho I'm sure I've been wordy enough!