Growing up I was always obese. There was only a couple of times where I got down to a descent weight. I was inactive and well, I enjoyed food way too much. I look back and wonder why I lived my life that way. Then, I try to remember that I have come far, oh so far. I can run 13+ miles without breaks, I have lost a lot of weight and still, it is not good enough. I always focus on the negative. To be honest, I think I have an eating disorder. I always feel so guilty when I go over 1200 calories. I can never ENJOY a piece of pizza without shame or eat a regular meal without feeling like it's too much. I do anything and everything to avoid eating food that to my eyes is fattening. I step on the scale almost daily, which is stupid because our weight fluctuates every day. I have made so many changes in our diet. We hardly eat red meat. We have gone about half a year without McDonalds, we really don't consume butter and the list can go on and on. You see, compared to the typical American, my family and I eat quite healthy.
But when I look at myself in the mirror I still see a BIG girl. Why? I think society is so hard on us, women. Women are so hard on women. We look at magazine models and they look so different, so "beautiful." I know most of those pictures are photoshopped and not 100% real, but I always have the desire to look like them. What can I do to stop hurting myself with all my negative thoughts? How can I enjoy a normal meal without pain. I need help.
1 comment:
It's good to take a moment to reflect and have deep thoughts. Listen to the whispering of the still, small voice and you will receive guidance on how to proceed. I remember many times feeling the same way. I've come to the realization though that I'm beautiful. I'm beautiful just the way I am. So are you, whether or not you are model thin or not. God is a great artist and He MADE YOU. You are eating right, exercising and doing your best to take the best care that you can of the body that He gave you. After that just let it go and KNOW that you are beautiful.
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