Thursday, December 2, 2010

Today in my nutrition class we watched the movie Food Inc. Please, watch this film if you haven't already! My family and I have already been trying to avoid fast food, and are good about making our own meals. I felt that if we cooked our own meals it was way better than stopping at McDonald's and buying a cheap burger and fries. Cooking your own meals is better, but I didn't realize that the majority of the products we buy go through a really nasty,unnatural and sad process. I feel cheated and angry. I am determined to grow my own garden, we can't afford buying organic foods (or maybe we could), but it would be a step forward if we start buying our produce at the Farmer's market. There are many changes we need to make in our home. Obviously, we don't have enough property to raise our own cows, pigs and chickens. But, Phillip and I are hoping that once I graduate we can move to the country and be able to raise our own animals (we dream big). We need to be aware of what we put in our mouths. Our diet is getting worse and worse not only in the U.S., but everywhere in the world. Our government doesn't do much to regulate the food that is put in the store isles for us to buy. We need to do something!


Angela said...

I probably don't have as much knowledge as you do, but I've always felt that the more you cook/bake from "scratch" the better it's got to be for you! Little by little we've added more things to our garden to get more produce that we grow, and hopefully within the near future we will have chickens--we got Rio instead :) She was a wise investment though, she's been good for our WHOLE family. She will help us get wild game to eat I guess. Moe and I would also love to live in the country too, but with how the economy's going, it probably won't happen for awhile...

Kristi said...

Yes, yes, yes!! I've been wanting to watch that show but haven't yet. However, I have read & seen other documentaries that share the same type of info. Scary huh?!