Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Business of Being Born (Round Two)

I have watched the documentary film, The Business of Being Born twice. I watched it the 1st time because it sounded interesting. After watching it, I felt empowered and knew I could have a natural birth. Today, as I am getting closer to giving birth the fear started to strike again. I needed to watch the film once again. I am trying to prepare myself mentally for the pain that comes with childbirth. I have talked to people who both encourage me to go natural and believe in me, and I have talked to people who just say to get the epidural because it is much more convenient and gets rid of the pain (sorry longest sentence ever). I didn't have an epidural with Maya and I just remember feeling so proud of myself for enduring the pain. I felt like after that experience I could do anything. With this pregnancy I feel like it is different because I know what to expect (or so I think). I want to believe in myself and I want to do it naturally once again. I NEED to believe in myself! I know I can do this! Childbirth is a natural thing and our bodies know what to do. Our bodies are amazing! I understand there are circumstances and times where going natural is not an option, but if we have the opportunity we should take it.
Okay, so that is all for tonight. I hope baby Addison joins us soon. I can't wait to meet her :)


Angela said...

Wow! You are on the final countdown! Maybe you'll have her on my birthday (the 4th), wouldn't that be cool?!! Erika I believe in you too. I hope my comment on getting an epidural for the next one (if there is a next one), didn't sway you! If I could do natural births for my three, you certainly can with Addison as long as there aren't complications. Just remember to BREATH, and really this birth should be faster (or so they say). So that means less time for the intense pain :) It is scary, especially when you've been through it before. There's really nothing to compare giving birth naturally to. Just know that I think you are an incredibly strong woman, NO MATTER WHAT. Giving birth naturally doesn't make me feel that way about you. Don't stress and enjoy the ride!

Erika said...

Thanks Angela! You made me smile :)