Sunday, September 14, 2008

That Doesn't Taste Like My Mom's Chicken!

Phillip turned 30 on Friday! Wow, now that I think about it that's kinda disgusting. I mean I'm only 20, what the heck was I thinking? Well, I guess it's to late to back out now, especially with a kid on the way and everything. Plus I need the medical coverage that he gets through the hospital so I can pay for the delivery and a few other body alterations that I've been considering.
Anyhoo, enough about all that stuff. We were not able to celebrate Phillip's birthday on Friday because my little slave was off making me money. Then on Saturday we had an activity at the stake center. So, after church today I made his famous birthday dinner that he has every year. I made chicken wings, fried rice, and strawberry cake. He said it tasted OK, but he told me that it didn't taste like his mom's cooking.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Keep trying on the cake, you'll get it! I remember the first time I made it....what a disaster!!! The icing was soooo runny, and the cake kept falling apart. I'm glad Moe persisted on it being a tradition, because I kept making it, and each time it has gotten better!