Monday, October 17, 2011

Dear Mami Geña,
I have been thinking a lot about you the past few days. I am sorry I wasn't able to be there for your funeral. It hurts me to be so far away. My grandpa really misses you, he said that after all of my uncles return to the States, he will really feel lonely. You went so fast, but it was the best thing. Mom said you were really suffering.
 I been trying to really focus on the good things you did, and forget about all the negative ones. Today driving home from school I remembered how you gave shelter and food to a homeless man until he passed away. I believe this man lived in your little ranch for a long time. You took him homemade meals every single day, and I truly admire that. I also remember how you adopted a child and raised him like your own, even though your family already had many financial struggles.
Last time I saw you, you were really sweet to my family and I. You cooked me my favorite meal, pozole. No other pozole compares to yours. Phillip agrees with me, he said your pozole was the best he had ever tasted. I really want to apologize for not calling you on the phone like I should have done. My heart aches because there is nothing I can do now. I know how nice it feels to hear from family, and know that somebody is thinking about you. I know you are now gone, but I promise to call my grandpa more often.
I am also glad I copied these pictures of you and grandpa. Now, I can keep them forever and show them to Maya and Addison, and tell them about you. 
Grandma, I love you and I will continue to have you and grandpa in my prayers.   

1 comment:

Angela said...

I think you look very similar to your grandma, beautiful. I'm sorry about the ache you are having in your heart. Remember she stills lives, just in a different realm. You can still communicate with her spirit to spirit :) I know it's not the same, but maybe you can find comfort in this?