Thursday, March 28, 2013

Full Term

I am now full term, something to celebrate. Braxton Hicks are increasing and my back is now aching a BIT. I am getting anxious to meet this little one. However,  I am also  getting very nervous about labor. You would think that with the more children I have, I would be less nervous. But giving birth is so unpredictable, I am hoping for the best. I hope this time around is as speedy as it was with little Addi. I also want to record that he is head down and every time he moves he hurts my bottom and it sends a numbing sensation all over my legs. This is something new for me. I didn't experience this with the girls. The Dr. told me his head is on the big side, I am not sure what that means (how BIG?!). All I know is that I have a lot of pelvic pain and I am really not looking forward to pushing out a big head. 
Just for the record I have gained 25 lbs. And I think weight gain has really stopped, last time I went in for my appointment I had lost 1 lb. I don't think I will gain much more. 

Today I also had my hair done. I like it. It is different from anything I have done to my hair before, except for the haircut. I had the same style of hair when I was pregnant with Maya.