Monday, March 4, 2013

We are sick!

Maya has been sick for the past few days. Friday night she gave me a scare because she was breathing really fast and shallow while sleeping. I was concerned because she has asthma. I called the nurse on-call at our pediatricians office and she just made me feel even worse. She suggested for me to take her to the ER. Then I just decided to call my sister in law, Angela. I am glad I called her because she made me feel peaceful. I know you will be reading this Angela, thank you so much for your help! Just like Angela suggested I waited until the morning and allowed her to rest through the night. I got up bright and early, took a shower and then we headed out the door to the Pedi-Center (urgent care). The wait wasn't too bad, and they were so good to my little girl. She had a breathing treatment and then x-rays to make sure she didn't have pneumonia (her right lung didn't sound too good). After the x-rays, the Dr. came and told us that she had bronchitis. She was given an antibiotic and Albuterol. Saturday she slept so much better and her breathing returned to normal. I am so grateful for medicine because she is doing a lot better now!

Now Addison and I are sick. I feel horrid and I can tell Addi does too. I guess four nights of hardly no sleep finally got to me. My throat is on fire and and my ears hurt, plus I have a nasty headache. I am tired and running out of patience :( I hope this goes away fast because now Addi needs me.

Side note: I am so grateful to be able to take care of my children. Maya asked me to sing to her the whole time we were at the urgent care. She kept telling me how much she loved me. She said I was the best mommy ever and that I really knew how to take care of kids. I lost count of how many times she said, "I really love you very much mommy."

1 comment:

Angela said...

Oh Erika! I'm sorry that you and Addi are sick now too :( I'm glad though that Maya is doing better and that the medicine is helping her so much! I was thinking all about you and Maya :) What a sweet experience for you to have with Maya at the urgent care. Those moments are so precious. You are a good mommy and it's nice to hear it every once in awhile.