Wednesday, March 20, 2013

36 Weeks

I have 4 weeks left! I can't believe it. This pregnancy has flown by, except for the past 2+ weeks when I was sick. We are so excited around here. Maya doesn't fail to ask me every single day," is baby brother coming today?"  And I always have to reply, "He is not ready yet, he will be here soon." She kisses and hugs my belly all the time, her excitement is so genuine. I have a feeling she will be the best big sister.

Lincoln's room is getting close to being done. A friend of ours is working on a crib skirt. We had left over material from the curtains and we didn't want to waste it, so we asked her if she would help. She was so excited to help us out. We are truly blessed with people that are always willing to  help us out. We are hoping to be done with his room by Friday, if so I will post pictures of the room.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Awww, love it!! You and Angela need to teach me how to do this blogging thing!