Saturday, June 9, 2012

Life Lately

Phillip started his new schedule a couple weeks ago. He now works TWTH from 9-9:30. We have 4 day weekends! The first couple weeks were crazy because we had so much going on. But I think we will stick around for a while, do house work and relax. Phillip is currently working on our yard. Some time soon we should have the greenest grass on the block ;), I hope. I have been busy with running, preschool, a few projects, and well being a mother.
The girls and I have been working on this:
This room was my sister's, but now is the playroom. The girls have everything they need here. They have books, puppets, babies, barbies, dress up costumes, puzzles, etc.
They love to go in there and just make a mess, that's alright with me. They pick up their mess after they are done playing. 

We made pretzels last night. It was so much fun!
This is what they looked like at the end.

I also painted Maya's face. Once in a while she likes me to do that for her. She was happy with the finish product and I was happy she was happy.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Wow! Good job with the pretzels & the face-painting (looks awesome!)! You'll have to tell me how to make the pretzels.